When utilizing this data, it is important to know the following:
For additional resources (i.e., data layouts/dictionaries) please visit the Order Data page.
All active (open) facilities are shown on the website; however, the data only represents the facility’s cleaned and certified data that is
available for the time period reported. The data in some cases may represent less than four quarters (1 year) of data. This may occur when
a facility is new or exempt.
Per Rule 59B-9.011(6) F.A.C., Ambulatory Surgery Centers with fewer than 200 patient visits during a reporting quarter may request an exemption.
However, facilities with at least one or more quarters of data, that have a mixed reporting of both data and exemptions during four quarters
(1 year), will have the available data displayed.
Inpatient results include data from short term acute care hospitals, long and short term psychiatric hospitals, and long term care hospitals.
Emergency department (ED) visit results includes only those visits that were seen and discharged from the ED. The inpatient database will
have those patients that were seen in the ED and then admitted to the hospital.
Ambulatory (Outpatient) Surgery Center visits includes freestanding, and hospital based.
The data results will exclude those with less than 30 records; therefore the totals for those results will not reflect those records.
This data does not adjust for patient’s severity of illness or account for differences in each facility’s mix of patients.
The MS-DRG and CPT codes may not be valid for all four quarters of data shown on the website.
The data results do not include secondary procedures or diagnoses.
Facilities may have been opened, closed or suspended since this reporting period.
There are coding differences between hospitals. Some hospitals code more completely and accurately than other hospitals.
It is sometimes difficult to classify disease accurately. The codes contained in the patient record may not be specific enough to
adequately characterize a patient's condition.
The data does not reveal events that happen after the hospital stay. For example, a patient may have been discharged alive but
died two days later.
Charges shown are the raw charges. Patients rarely are required to pay the full charges, so the charge comparison may not be the most
meaningful indicator of what you can expect to pay. Actual amounts paid may be significantly less due to rate negotiations with payers. Physician charges are not included.
Important information and facility/provider definitions can be found in the Glossary.
Attn Providers: Requests for changes in data must be sent in writing to the AHCA licensing office.
Facility Location Directions
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If you select the ‘ALL’ Facility/Provider Type, then you must include a Name, City, Zip Code, County, License Number or AHCA Field Office to refine your search.
You must include a Name, City, Zip Code, County, License Number or AHCA Field Office to refine your search.
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Please refine your search by including a Address, City, or Zip Code.
Baker Act Receiving Facility is applicable with Hospitals and Crisis Stabilization Units only