
Location Search

Choose a facility/provider type using the drop down menu or select the Community Residential Home option below. If you are not sure of the type, choose "ALL" types. To narrow your search, enter more information or to broaden your search, enter less. For a description of facility/provider types view the GLOSSARY.

Note: to search for Home Health Agencies, Homemaker and Companion Services, Hospices, or Nurse Registries: A General Search will find only the location of the main offices. However, these providers can serve multiple counties. To find all providers in a particular service area choose a provider, then click the Advanced Search to choose the county you want to view.

You may also view reports of frequently requested information, or for questions, contact us.

(Hospitals and Crisis Stabilization Units Only)

Please be advised that local zoning authorities may have additional restrictions or requirements not under the jurisdiction of the Agency for Health Care Administration. Contact your local zoning authorities for any specific requirements. See also 419.001 F.S.

* Hold down the control (Ctrl) button to select multiple options