County: All Counties
Enrollment data are current as of
Accreditation data are current as of
Source: Florida Office of Insurance Regulation
Health Plan Type | Plan Name | Number of Counties/ Service Area | counties | Statewide Enrollment | Accreditation Status |
All Florida Counties
Data are for services received in
Accreditation data are current as of
Display of data:
Health Plan Type | Plan Name | Breast Cancer Screening | Cervical Cancer Screening | Prenatal Care | Controlling High Blood Pressure |
Diabetes Care: Eye Exam |
Diabetes Care: Nephropathy |
Chlamydia Screening in Women (combined age groups) |
Well-Child Visits in the First 30 Months of Life (First 15 Months) |
Well-Child Visits in the First 30 Months of Life (15 Months-30 Months) |
Child and Adolescent Well-Care Visits (Total) |
Health Plan Type | Plan Name | Breast Cancer Screening | Cervical Cancer Screening | Prenatal Care | Controlling High Blood Pressure |
Diabetes Care: Eye Exam |
Diabetes Care: Nephropathy |
Chlamydia Screening in Women (combined age groups) |
Well-Child Visits in the first 30 Months of Life (First 15 Months) |
Well-Child Visits in the First 30 Months of Life (15 Months-30 Months) |
Child and Adolescent Well-Care Visits (Total) |
All Florida Counties
Survey data collected in
Accreditation data are current as of
Health Plan Type | Plan Name | % of respondents rating their plan an 8-10 on a scale of 0 (worst) – 10 (best) |
% of respondents reporting it is usually or always easy to get needed care (vs. sometimes or never) |
% of respondents reporting it is usually or always easy to get care quickly (vs. sometimes or never) |
% of respondents reporting doctors usually or always communicate well (vs. sometimes or never) |
% of respondents rating the number of doctors to choose from as excellent or very good (vs. good, fair, or poor) |
% of respondents reporting plans usually or always process claims quickly and correctly (vs. never or sometimes) |
% of respondents reporting they usually or always get the help/information needed from their plan’s customer service staff (vs. sometimes or never) |
% of respondents reporting they definitely or probably would recommend their health plan to family & friends |
% of respondents reporting they definitely or probably would select their current plan again |
County: All Counties
Enrollment data are current as of July 1, 2023
Accreditation data are current as of July 1, 2023
Source: Florida Office of Insurance Regulation
Health Plan Type | Plan Name | Number of Counties/ Service Area | counties | Statewide Enrollment | Accreditation Status |
Health Plan Type | Plan Name | Number of Counties/ Service Area | counties | Statewide Enrollment | Accreditation Status |
Data are for services received in July 1, 2023
Accreditation data are current as of July 1, 2023
Plan Name | Pregnancy-related Care | Keeping Kids Healthy | Keeping Adults Healthy | Living with Illness | Behavioral Health Care |
Display of data:
Plan Name | Prenatal Care | Postpartum Care |
Plan Name | Prenatal Care | Postpartum Care |
Display of data:
Plan Name | Chlamydia Screening in Women, Ages 16-20 years |
Childhood Immunization Status - Combo 3 |
Immunizations for Adolescents - Combo 1 |
Lead Screening in Children |
Plan Name | Chlamydia Screening in Women, Ages 16-20 years |
Childhood Immunization Status - Combo 3 |
Immunizations for Adolescents - Combo 1 |
Lead Screening in Children |
Display of data:
Plan Name | Breast Cancer Screening | Cervical Cancer Screening | Chlamydia Screening in Women, Ages 21-24 years |
Adults’ Access to Preventive Health Services |
Plan Name | Breast Cancer Screening | Cervical Cancer Screening | Chlamydia Screening in Women, Ages 21-24 years |
Adults’ Access to Preventive Health Services |
Display of data:
Plan Name | Diabetes Care: HbA1c Testing | Diabetes Care: HbA1c - Good Control | Diabetes Care: Eye Exam | Controlling High Blood Pressure |
Plan Name | Diabetes Care: HbA1c Testing | Diabetes Care: HbA1c - Good Control | Diabetes Care: Eye Exam | Controlling High Blood Pressure |
Display of data:
Plan Name | Antidepressant Medication Management - Acute |
Follow-up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness- 7 Day |
Follow-up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness- 30 Day |
ADHD Medications Follow Up - Initiation |
Plan Name | Antidepressant Medication Management - Acute |
Follow-up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness- 7 Day |
Follow-up After Hospitalization for Mental Illness- 30 Day |
ADHD Medications Follow Up - Initiation |
Survey data collected in Spring 2021
Accreditation data are current as of July 1, 2023
Health Plan Type | Plan Name | % of respondents rating their plan 8-10 on a scale of 0 (worst) – 10 (best) |
% of respondents reporting it is usually or always easy to get needed care (vs. sometimes or never) |
% of respondents reporting it is usually or always easy to get care quickly (vs. sometimes or never) |
% of respondents reporting doctors usually or always communicate well (vs. sometimes or never) |
% of respondents rating the number of doctors to choose from as excellent or very good (vs. good, fair, or poor) |
% of respondents reporting they usually or always get the help/information needed from their plan’s customer service staff (vs. sometimes or never) |
Survey data collected in July 1, 2023
Accreditation data are current as of July 1, 2023
Health Plan Type | Plan Name | % of respondents rating their plan an 8-10 on a scale of 0 (worst) – 10 (best) |
% of respondents reporting it is usually or always easy to get needed care (vs. sometimes or never) |
% of respondents reporting it is usually or always easy to get care quickly (vs. sometimes or never) |
% of respondents reporting doctors usually or always communicate well (vs. sometimes or never) |
% of respondents rating the number of doctors to choose from as excellent or very good (vs. good, fair, or poor) |
% of respondents reporting they usually or always get the help/information needed from their plan’s customer service staff (vs. sometimes or never) |
County: All Counties
Enrollment data are current as of
Accreditation data are current as of
Source: Florida Office of Insurance Regulation
Health Plan Type | Plan Name | Number of Counties/ Service Area | counties | Statewide Enrollment | Accreditation Status |
Data are for services received in
Accreditation data are current as of
Display of data:
Health Plan Type | Plan Name | Breast Cancer Screening | Controlling High Blood Pressure | Diabetes Care: Eye Exam | Diabetes Care: Nephropathy |
Health Plan Type | Plan Name | Breast Cancer Screening | Controlling High Blood Pressure | Diabetes Care: Eye Exam | Diabetes Care: Nephropathy |
Ratings Key:
Best | at or above 50% of all Medicaid health plans' scores | |
Good | better than at least 40% of all Medicaid health plans' scores | |
Fair | better than at least 25% of all Medicaid health plans' scores | |
Poor | better than at least 10% of all Medicaid health plans' scores | |
Very Poor | worse than 90% of all Medicaid health plans' scores | |
N/A | Not Measurable/Small Population | |
N/R | Not Rated |
If a plan was unable to report valid rates for less than half of the performance measures in a particular report card category, no group average will be calculated and 'N/A' will be displayed.
Source: The results shown are posted as reported and certified by health plans to the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA).
If you experience difficulties or need further assistance, please contact us . Additional information may be found in the Glossary or Methodology.
* These plans only serve people with certain diagnoses or conditions.
Key Map:
N/A | - Not Measurable/Small Population |
N/R | - No Data Reported |
* Use caution when viewing the percentages for these plans. These plans only serve people with certain diagnoses or conditions. The percentages compare these plans to plans that may be serving healthier people.
Source: The results shown are posted as reported and certified by health plans to the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA).
If you experience difficulties or need further assistance, please contact us . Additional information may be found in the Glossary or Methodology.
Ratings Key:
Best | at or above 50% of all health plans' scores | |
Good | better than at least 40% of all health plans' scores | |
Fair | better than at least 25% of all health plans' scores | |
Poor | better than at least 10% of all health plans' scores | |
Very Poor | worse than 90% of all health plans' scores | |
N/A | Not Measurable/Small Population | |
N/R | Not Rated |
* Use caution when viewing the star ratings for these plans. These plans only serve people with certain diagnoses or conditions. The star ratings compare these plans to plans that may be serving healthier people.
If a plan was unable to report valid rates for less than half of the performance measures in a particular report card category, no group average will be calculated and “N/A” will be displayed.
Source: The results shown are posted as reported and certified by health plans to the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA).
If you experience difficulties or need further assistance, please contact us . Additional information may be found in the Glossary or Methodology.
Key Map:
N/A | - Not Measurable/Small Population |
N/R | - Not Rated |
Key Map:
N/A | - Not Measurable/Small Population |
N/R | - Not Rated |
* Use caution when viewing the percentages for these plans. These plans only serve people with certain diagnoses or conditions. The percentages compare these plans to plans that may be serving healthier people.